Equipment for Outdoor Cooks
Looking for equipment to use while cooking outdoors? This page contains some of the items that make our classes so successful. Check back often as we are always on the lookout for the best web sources at the best web prices!

Taylor Grill Guide Dial Thermometer
For perfect temperature control every time, place one of these on the top of your Dutch Oven (where the coals are), and cook. This thermometer will read correctly for the temperature inside the Dutch Oven. We have used one of these for years - they are part of "Our secret to Dutch Oven success".

Dutch Oven
The staple of our cooking lives. We have several 12 inch ovens, some deep and some shallow, several 10 inch ovens, two aluminum 12 inch ovens, two 14 inch ovens (one aluminum), two 5 inch ovens, a couple of 8 inch ovens, and some odd ball sizes and shapes. We also have some other assorted cast iron pieces. I have lost count. You can't go wrong with good cast iron!

Charcoal Starter
This charcoal starter is the way to start charcoal. It helps the briquets light, stay lit, and heat up quickly. Increases air flow to the briquets, and makes charcoal fire building a breeze.

Cast Iron Wok
Hungry for stir fry? Pick up this wok from Amazon and cook with it directly in the fire.